مهلبية / Mohalabyeh


fiecare cana de lapte are nevoie de 1 lingura zahar (dupa preferinta -cat de dulce va place) si una amidon. se amesteca pe foc pana se ingroasa. ( ca o smantana). se adauga arome: apa din flori de portocal, apa de trandafiri, vanilie ( dupa preferinte)
se transfera in cesti sau boluri.
se lasa la frigider 2-3 ore apoi se serveste.
se poate face si din suc de portocale, urmand aceeasi procedura. inlocuindu-se laptele cu sucul de portocale. :) dupa racire se poate adauga un strat deasupra celei din lapte. foarte estetic:).. si ai o mohalabye in doua culori ;)
am facut ambele variante. am pus vanilie, ca apa din flori de portocal sau trandafiri nu am avut. :(
se orneaza cu migdale, fistic, stafide...
eu am ornat numai cu fistic :)

kol kob 7aleb beddo m3la2 sokar w ma3la2a nasha, maʾward ( ma'-zaher , vanilla )
bto5lo6ehomm3 ba3ed w 3la nar hadyeh la ytmasak al 5ale6 w yser thick .
bardo w al ta7rek almostamer, w btoskobeh w feki tjebi 3aser oranget w etdefi 3laih nasha w sokara kaman w te3meleh nafs al she w bs tebrad w tejmad al 6aba2 al 2ola 7o66i al tanyeh zaki w manzaro 7elw.
betzayan be al 7albi.
to2kal bardeh, 5alleha fe al tallajeh she sa3ten zaman w sa7tain

1 cup milk
1 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp sugar
rose water (or orange blossom) or vanilla -optional
walnuts or pistachios,crushed - decoration
In a sauce pan ,heat the milk , sugar and flavourings. Add the corn starch and stir with wooden spoon until the mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon.Pour into individual serving dishes and decorate it with pistachios crushed.
You can use orange juice and add to it some starch and sugar and made them  same way as the first one and when it get cold you can combine them in a beautiful view.

Keep them in refrigerator about 2-3 hours.

I used Contessa's recipe - from mahjoob.com: http://www.mahjoob.com/en/forums/showpost.php?p=4294369&postcount=1800


umelbanat said...

Your mahalabia looks delesh!!!
Maybe I 'll make some tonight..

Carmys said...

Shukran umelbanat.It was so delicious.